Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church – Turbotville, PA


Zion’s Music Department

St. Augustine (354-430) is credited with saying, “He who sings prays twice.” Singing has always be part of the worship of Almighty God. The Bible tells us that the “morning stars sang to God” on the fourth day of their creation; also music was an important part of the worship life of the ancient Hebrew people. We, at Zion Lutheran, continue those ancient musical traditions in our worship, inviting our people to be involved in the music making in praise of God. Currently we have three opportunities:

The Chancel Choir sings at the 8:00 service on the first and third Sundays. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:15, preparing choral music for regular Sunday services and holy days. There are no auditions as we are open to all men and women who wish to sing. Newcomers usually sit next to experience singers.

The Chorus is something unique to Zion Church. It sings on the second and fourth Sunday at the 10:30 service and is open to anybody who likes to sing but doesn’t have time for a weekly rehearsal. Singers receive a piece of music, usually a familiar hymn, as they enter the sanctuary. At the appointed time they come forward, gathering in the choir loft, sing, and then return to their pews.

Other music opportunities:

During the summer months, soloists and small ensembles are invited to sing at the worship service of their choice.

Our new Saturday Eve service at 6:00 PM offers the opportunity for soloists or small ensembles to offer vocal or instrumental music during worship.

Please consider becoming one of our parish musicians. Contact Pr. Steve Middernacht, Minister of Music, through the church office at 570-649-5195 for additional information.