Committees at a glance:
Disaster Relief team – 1st Monday at 6:30pm
Jeff Furman – chairperson
– council rep.
Outreach – 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Pastor Roux – chairperson
Marvene Crawford – council rep.
Publicity – 3rd Tuesday at 6:30pm
Stewardship – 3rd Tuesday at 7:00pm
Barry Durlin – chairperson
Lisa Wehr – council rep.
Social Ministry – 4th Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Rick Rovenolt – chairperson
Dennis Webb – council rep.
Property – 4th Tuesday at 7:00pm
Lynn Watson and Lee Beiber – co chairs
Karrie Ravert – council rep.
Executive Committee – 1st Thursday at 7:00pm
Church Council – 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm
Worship and Music – 3rd Thursday at 7:00pm
John Craven – chairperson
Leon Hagenbuch – council rep.
Staff Support – 4th Thursday at 7:00pm
– chairperson
John Myers – council rep.
Christian Education meets quarterly at 6:30 pm
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee oversees all of the financial affairs of the congregation. It is comprised of at least three members, a chairperson, financial secretary and recording secretary. The church treasurer is also a member of this committee. The responsibilities of this committee include administration of the Endowment Fund, congregational insurance policies, investments and payment of all financial obligations. This committee also functions as an Audit Committee which provides the annual audit of accounts of the congregation. This committee helps prepare an annual draft budget that is submitted to the Council for review and presentation at the annual congregational meeting. The Finance Committee is required to meet once a quarter or as necessary.
Meeting time: as needed
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee encourages the giving of time and resources to the church through the annual Affirmation & Response Program. This includes preparation of materials that encourage participation of the membership in the congregation’s life and ministries and the collating of responses from the membership for our ministries. We periodically remind the congregation of the need to maintain regular and faithful attendance in worship, as well as faithful giving of our material and spiritual resources in the ministries of the congregation.
Meeting time: Third Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Property Committee
The Property Committee is responsible for the maintenance and care of all property of the congregation. The committee is responsible for keeping our facilities in good, general repair and ensures that fire safety codes are followed.
Meeting time: Fourth Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Worship & Music Committee
The Worship and Music Committee is responsible for helping the pastor with the concerns of our weekly Sunday worship services and all special services. The committee assists in coordinating the work of the choirs and oversees the services of acolytes, torchbearers, crossbearers, and lay lectors.
The committee also coordinates the efforts of the Altar Guild, ensuring that the chancel is properly prepared for the various worship services throughout the church year.
Meeting time: Third Thursday at 7:00 pm
Christian Education Committee
The Christian Education Committee organizes and coordinates the Sunday School Program, including recruitment of teachers, review and ordering of curriculum; encouraging attendance of children and adults in the educational opportunities of the congregation and organizing special events such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Church Picnic, and refreshments after Sunday worship during the year. The committee oversees Zion’s preschool program, and helps in the organization of the community Vacation Bible School program.
Meeting time: Third Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Staff Support Committee
The Staff Support Committee serves as a conferring, consulting group for the pastor and salaried employees of the congregation. The committee informs the congregational council regarding concerns affecting the relationship between the pastor, salaried employees, and congregational members. The committee studies the staffing needs of the church and works to fill staff positions. The committee prepares job descriptions for the pastor and salaried employees and conducts annual reviews of their work. Issues and concerns of the congregation regarding staff are discussed with the pastor and the salaried employees. Concerns of church staff members are also heard and addressed. Recommendations for compensation and benefits are given to the congregational council annually.
Meeting time: When Needed
Social Ministry Committee
The Social Ministry Committee coordinates Zion’s efforts to serve the social and physical needs of the local and world wide community. Among the organizations and efforts we sponsor are Warrior Run Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Haven Ministry, Prison Ministries, World Hunger, and our Disaster Relief requests and provide funeral luncheons as needed. Our committee also takes responsibility for many of our shut-ins needs and the sponsorship of a missionary.
Meeting time: Fourth Tuesday at 6:30 pm
Outreach Committee
This committee is responsible to stimulate and lead all members of the congregation in reviewing and understanding their commitment to witness. It seeks out the unchurched and seeks to restore inactive members in the life of the congregation. It helps new and restored members to find areas of participation in the congregational life and it enlists and equips members of the congregation for verbal witness of their faith. Some of the ways the Committee has done these things is by its organizing and sponsorship of Visitors Sunday, Loyalty Sunday and delivery of welcome baskets to new persons in the community.
Meeting time: First Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee is responsible for spreading awarness of the many special events and activities within our congregation.
Meeting time: Third Tuesday at 6:30 pm